How to Remove Shadow from Photos in Photoshop

The best way to get rid of this is to realize that remove shadow create even Darkness throughout the shadow area. What does that mean have a look at this photo very closely. The hand is

Remove Shadow

What does that mean have a look at this photo very closely. The hand is blocking the light in those areas have a look at these areas in these areas. The hand is blocking the light now the light will be blocked equally in all of these areas. So why should we take a small brush and paint over it? So very gradually that it can take so much time to get it equally bright and when this is already equally darken, so instead of doing that let’s do this first.

All we have to do is make a rough selection of the Shadow. You don’t have to be accurate here just zoom in and with the help of the polygonal lasso tool I’m going to use that you can also use the lasso tool if that’s your favorite. So click and hold right here choose the polygonal lasso tool you can also use been to if you want to be super accurate, but that is not necessary. So let’s start making the selection always keep in mind stay inside stay inside even the shadow transition. So quickly make a selection. Look how fast this is.

Whoops I messed up. No problem. All we have to do is to hold the shift key and add it. Photo remove shadow is not difficult. But if you don’t know about remove shadow then it is not easy for you.

No problem here. You always need to show the mistakes in the videos as well. Now. Let’s finish this election from here release the shift key and finish it that is that a do we can always subtract that hold the ALT key or the option key for the minus one and then just subtract that area. No problem. Let’s brighten it. So click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves. Now the curves is going to load up with that active selection as a mass as you can see right here. Now you have guests.

Ready what we’re going to do.

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-05 at 11.53.44 PM.jpeg

Click on the middle create a point and take it up. We need to brighten that area. So about this much looks fine to me. Now. The colors can be distracting while removing Shadows. So for that let’s take away the colors momentarily and we can easily do that by clicking on the adjustment layer icon and then choosing solid color choose any Shade of Grey the saturation has to be 0 that’s fine it okay and change the blend mode from normal to color that’s going to take away the colors momentarily and there’s a science behind

And why we do it this way and you can watch more about check layers in this video, but for right now, let’s focus on this. Do you think the brightness levels are fine? If not, simply open up the curves Properties by double-clicking on the adjustment layer icon and then adjust this point now I know there’s harsh outline and harsh s that we need to take care of. Don’t worry about that right now. Now as you can see the original Shadow Edge is blurry, right

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So look at the Shadow the edges blurry the transition is smooth ER. So what do we do to make the transition smoother or to blur the edge simply blur it right? So with the mask selected click on the filter and then blur and inside of blur gaussian blur about a value of 8 is fine. You can adjust the value according to your taste for this example eight looks fine to me it okay. There’s still that edge. We need to definitely work on that but

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-05 at 11.55.40 PM.jpeg

There are two ways that you can approach this number one. You can simply take the brush and start dodging those areas or what you can do. You can also try this. This is a new technique you can use the smudge tool. So if you click and hold on the blur tool in that group, you will see this much to strengthen the 50% is fine with the small smudge to brush just try to bring it out and match it in some places. It works wonders have look at this zoom out and have a look. Sorry, so that’s one way as you can see that’s also very easy to do in certain areas as well like this area. You can just push it outside and match with the shadow.

It is not easy to remove shadow. But for most of the area’s you need to do it with the brush, but right now we don’t need to take the brush and do it slowly and gradually over all of the areas. All we need to cover is The Edge areas and that’s it. So with the brush selected decrease the floater about four or five percent. So I’m going to choose four percent for me flow right there. Make sure the mask is selected white as the foreground color and just start painting on the edge. That’s it.

I think we need to increase the brightness. So open up the coast properties and zoom out. And then try to match the brightness once you’re satisfied just minimize it and just get back to the brush and brighten up the edges select the mask.

And the moment as you can see the Shadows are completely gone, isn’t that amazing?

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-05 at 11.57.48 PM.jpeg Only little hard work we had to do was working on the edges now. Once you’re done just turn off or delete this Luminosity check layer. I’m just going to click and drag it to the trashcan and there you have it. Let’s take a look. Here’s the before and here is the after I can take more time. If you want to create one more curves adjustment layer for dodging and burning and correct or softened some more areas if you want to but to me, it looks perfect.

Remove Shadow

It certainly was don’t look right to you. I’m just gonna save time and do this. I’ll simply press control all shift + e to create a stamp visible layer at the top and then choose the patch tool right there for me. This area looks a little on so I won’t bother too much. I’ll just select that area and drag it to an area of my choice. And there you go that area is now fixed anything that doesn’t look right to you to me. This image looks perfect. But if you feel that there are some areas that just don’t look right you can just select that area and drag it to the preferred area of your choice and you my friend are done for the day let.

I think now you know about remove shadow from image.

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